dentist Alhambra
Dentist in Alhambra, CA
Dentist Alhambra CA
Restorative Dentistry Alhambra, CA

When a tooth becomes too weak and damaged to repair with a simple filling, a dental crown is usually needed to restore the tooth so it can function properly again. At Palm View Dental Alhambra, we’re pleased to offer our patients the convenience of state-of-the-art CEREC same-day crowns.

Until recently, the procedure for placing dental crowns has remained pretty much the same. You would have to make one visit to your Dentist in Alhambra to have the tooth prepared, then another a few weeks later to have the permanent crown placed. In between appointments, you had to put up with the inconvenience of wearing a temporary crown.

Today, CEREC technology allows us to plan and construct your new permanent crown in just one appointment. The whole process – from planning and preparation to the final result can be completed right here in our office in a single office visit!

How Do CEREC Crowns Work?

The process for creating CEREC crowns is really kind of fascinating. We start by shaping your tooth to get it ready for the new crown. Then we take an image of the tooth and input it into a computer program where we can view a model of your tooth and construct your new crown.

The CEREC crown is then created out of porcelain, a material that’s stain resistant and durable. During preparation, we’ll be careful to match the shade of your new crown to the surrounding natural teeth. Finally, the crown is adjusted to fit perfectly, polished, and bonded securely to your tooth.

Benefits of CEREC Same-Day Crowns

There are several benefits to choosing CEREC crowns:

  • The process is streamlined and efficient and can usually be completed in just one office visit.
  • Since your crown is finished the same day, you don’t have to deal with a temporary crown.
  • The material used for your new crown is durable and looks completely natural.
  • CEREC crowns are all porcelain, so you don’t have to worry about a dark metal line showing through.

Crowns made with CEREC also help us save healthier tooth structure because they’re bonded directly to the surface of the natural tooth. This means we don’t have to remove much of your own tooth to accommodate your new crown. In many cases, we only need to remove the damaged part of the tooth to place the crown.